This postcard shows the entrance and marquee sign at the Union Plaza Hotel Casino in Las Vegas Nevada. The card is not dated, but looking at the vehicles pictured, they appear to be 1970s models. Also, on the back it says in part "This new downtown multi-million dollar hotel"… The Union Plaza opened in 1971, so that would date this card to the early 1970s.
The front says "The Plaza Las Vegas. According to the marquee, Bob Carroll, Fiddler on the Roof, and several other entertainers were appearing at the time the photo was taken.
The description on the back states:
Union Plaza Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada.
This new downtown multi-million dollar hotel with the largest Casino in the world has become one of the showplaces of the West.
It is from the H.S. Crocker Co. and carries the card number FS-1368-C.
The card measures roughly 3.5 by 5.5 inches and has great color. It has deckled edges. Deckled edges were irregular and uneven. The card has a divided back, meaning one side for the address and one side for writing a message.
The card is postally unused and has not been addressed or written on.
I recently purchased a few dozen older postcards at an estate sale. The subjects of the cards are in and around The Las Vegas area. They are of 'old Vegas" and many are of the old casinos and hotels that have long ago been demolished. I do combine shipping on multiple purchases (see shipping notes below), so be sure to check out my other items.
I am not a postcard collector and don't know how to 'rate" postcards. Personally, I think the card is in great condition for being around 50 years old. There are no bends, tears, or cracking.
Buyer to pay $2.50 First Class Mail delivery charges. That cost will cover shipping for up to the purchase of 4 postcards.
NOTE about combined shipping: My website host is not set up to calculate multiple item shipping costs. At checkout, you will be charged full shipping price on each item purchased and I will refund the appropriate amount of overpayment. If you are uncomfortable with that, you can send me an email with your zip code and stating which items you'll be purchasing and I'll calculate the correct combined shipping charges and send you a custom invoice.
Due to claims that merchandise is not being received at various international countries (although Customs tracking verifies the delivery), I will no longer be able to process international orders unless payment is made with U.S. currency, including conversion fees. Orders will be processed after funds have cleared a U.S. bank. PAYPAL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT ON INTERNATIONAL PURCHASES. Seller reserves the right to void any international transactions where contact has not been made prior to purchasing.
All items in my listings come from either estate or garage sales. I do not know if they came from homes where smoking or pets were present. All items are sold in the same condition as when I received them.